Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fathers Day

Thank you Nicole and Aaron for having us over for Father's Day, we had a great time! (don't forget to turn on your speakers)

Friday, June 13, 2008

We're on TV!

I installed a camera system at one of the Alpine gas stations last month and our video made it on the news. (My only regret is not putting my company website and phone number on the video for the free advertising)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A New Venture

We're starting a new company converting videos and pictures to a virtial slideshow. Here are some samples:

Here's our Family Vacation (make sure your speakers are on)

This is for our Home Theater Company:

A New Look

We'll, its out with the old and in with the new. It has been brought to my attention that my blog needs a new look, so here you go. Nothing fancy, just somehting to make sure I'm still alive :)

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Danny has been very naughty and not been keeping up with his blogging! So......I'm adding something new for him.

Honey, it reminds me of the "SPECIAL FRIEND" that tried to EAT you at Friends of Cats!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Constent Balance

Life is complicated.

I want to see my family. I have to work. I need to do both. I have done it all, worked the menial minum wage job as a teenager, worked for a large corporation, worked for an independent person and alas the Self Employed realm I currently enjoy. I have to say working for myself is great. My only problem is my boss is a slave driver. I have been told lately that I need to delegate. I'm trying, I'm realizing that I have to do this or I will drive my family crazy. My problem is that I am a workaholic, this is not an excuse unfortunatly this is a sad fact. My problem is not that I never leave the office, its that the office never leaves me. That was one benefit of working for another company. Usually the work turns off when you get home. I even had employers who had no way of reaching me after I got home. Now, my boss knows where I live and he won't stop calling! I believe I am slowly coming around. It has been a long journey and I still have a long way to go however I am starting to learn that I can return the email in the morning and that call can go to voicemail. Believe it or not, the world will not come to an end if I don't answer the phone right away. It's a strange concept I know, but it's true. I have learned to prioritize of late. Believe it or not, one of the most relaxing experiences I've had is being on a plane. I have no option but to turn off the phone, I have to read or think or pray (that last practice is always recommended on a plane). I've learned that the phone can go off and I can't be reached. It's an amazing concept. I only hope I've come to this realization early enough and it's not too late.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The value of a Buck

Do you ever think about how we use to value a dollar? When I was a kid 20 bucks was a good chunk of change, $100 was only something really rich people had and $1000 was like flying to the moon in your big wheel (weren't big wheels cool).

Now the value of a dollar has completely changed. Even as a teenager twenty bucks could last a weekend (you see, when everyone puts their twenty into the "beer fund" it can go a lot further, it's simple high school economics). However when responsibility comes knockin' you find that you'll blow through hundreds of dollars in an afternoon (must I even mention every trip to Walmart for "just some toothpaste"), if you don't know what I'm talking about you must not be breathing air. My daughter thinks $200 is a lot of money, if she had that much money she would buy a "real" robot that moved and talked and ate things (you can get them at Toys R Us for $199). Don't you wish you didn't know how very little 5 fresh hundred dollar bills really were. For most people thats their car payment and groceries for the week. For a kid you could buy an arcade, a sports car and a machine gun.

However there are most people who are in there 40's who know the meaning of a buck, they know that $500 will pay 8 minum credit card payments, the heloc on their house, the second mortgage on their house, the boat payment, car lease and the student loan, all provided they can get two more payday loans by next friday to cover the difference. At least with children they're just nieve, not retarded.